
Better Hygiene.
Less Spoilage.

24/7 broad spectrum protection against microbial contamination, ethylene and odour.

Billions of dollars are spent annually on ensuring food safety, reducing risk and extending shelf-life.

To assist in the costs and improve commercial outcomes..

ChillSafe is a HACCP and Organic Australia certified air treatment product, supplied in sachet format, that generates hydrogen peroxide vapour (HPV) 24/7 for better hygiene and less spoilage throughout the entire supply chain.

Our ultra low dose vapour constantly treats the air and every surface of any space reaching the most hard to clean places and can be used wherever people work.

ChillSafe complements existing hygiene solutions creating an active ChillSafe Zone to reduce cross contamination risk over time and protect storage spaces and food against unwanted bacteria, mould, yeast, viruses, ethylene and odour.

Environmentally activated

Easy to install

Small & compact
13cm x 18cm

No power required

No moving parts

Safe to use

Better Hygiene. Less Spoilage.

ChillSafe in action on fresh produce






ChillSafe in action on surfaces

Storage rack 6 months without ChillSafe installation

Storage rack 6 months with ChillSafe installation

Cool room ceiling before ChillSafe installation

Cool room ceiling 8 weeks after ChillSafe installation

Easy to use and install across the entire supply chain

With flexible solutions for small or large spaces – ChillSafe can be used in pallets, pack houses, cool rooms, transport & export, processing plants, distribution centres and retailers.

The value we deliver is measured in millions of dollars in savings, sales and brand enhancement.

We trialled ChillSafe in a number of our cold rooms for 6 months before making ChillSafe our preferred method for improving our control over both bacterial and mould activity in our cold storage areas. Over the trial period we experienced a reduction in deposited moulds yeasts and bacteria (settle plate test method) in our cold rooms and this has been reflected in an increased shelf-life on our manufactured products.
Leanne Ambrose, National Quality Manager, Vili’s Bakery
“We have been using ChillSafe at all four of our McDonald’s restaurants since 2015. These product speaks for itself! Since installing all salads and fruits within the cool rooms have remained fresher and crisper and there has been a noticeable reduction in odours and cross contamination. We are committed to the continued use of the ChillSafe system for years to come.”
Greg Tsai, Operations Manager, Delbridge Group, McDonald’s Restaurants

Read more from our clients



FIAL Ltd top 50 food and agribusiness innovations for 2017.

Order Your Chillsafe Today!

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ChillClean Free Call

Phone: 1300 678 455

Mark Thompson

Mobile: 0431 014 845

Email: Mark Thompson

Robert Assaf

Mobile: 0418 354 402

Email: Robert Assaf

Shane Harris

Mobile: 0402 797 773

Email: Shane Harris

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